Установка расширения в Гугл Хром
How to install an additional extension in Google Chrome
For comfortable work in the Google Chrome browser – install additional extensions. These are
Гугл Хром не открывает страницы
Why doesn't Google Chrome open website pages?
When you use a browser, you expect it to at least be able to
Очистка кэша в Гугл Хром
Instructions on how to clear the cache in Google Chrome
As a result of their work, all programs accumulate a large number of temporary
Блокировка рекламы в Гугл Хром
Block ads in Google Chrome
Annoying advertising in the browser interferes with work, slows down the PC, loads RAM.
Всплывающая реклама в Google Chrome
Turn off pop-up ads in the corner of Google Chrome
Annoying advertising is something that an Internet user encounters on a daily basis. The
Очистка истории в Google Chrome
How to clear your browsing history in Google Chrome
It is often necessary to clear the browsing history in Google Chrome. For example,
Режим инкогнито в Google Chrome
How to activate incognito mode in Google Chrome
Incognito mode in Google Chrome allows you to browse sites without saving information about
Черный экран на Google Chrome
Why Google Chrome opens with a black screen
A black screen in Google Chrome can occur for various reasons, and it can
Как выключить пуш-уведомления браузера Chrome на Android
How to Turn Off Chrome Browser Push Notifications on Android
Google Chrome allows sites to send push notifications, and many resources are actively using
Как сохранить закладки в Гугл Хром
How to save bookmarks in Google Chrome when reinstalling the system
Bookmarks in Google Chrome is a very handy tool, and users quickly get used
Как восстановить Google Chrome на компьютере
How to restore Google Chrome on your computer
This can happen to any user – one day the beloved Google Chrome simply
Черный экран со звуком в Google Chrome при просмотре видео
Black screen with sound in Google Chrome when watching videos
Some users of the Chrome browser periodically encounter a problem – when trying to
Где находятся закладки в Google Chrome
Where are bookmarks in Google Chrome
When users start working with tabs in Chrome, in the initial stages they usually
Как в Google Chrome восстановить закладки
How to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome
Chrome is convenient because it is almost impossible to completely lose access to the
Настройки Google Chrome
Basic settings of the Google Chrome browser
Google Chrome is the number one browser in the world, you can use it